So you want to grow passively on Instagram?
Repurpose Pie supplies you with auto-generated videos and we’ll even auto-post them for you, but to get the most growth out of the content – you need to get a few things right.
This guide will help you set up your account to get maximum growth without having to be actively managed.
1. Profile Picture and Account Handle/Name
Instagram is a image and video based platform, and your profile picture is very important.
People will come across a video you posed and will only be able to see your account name and image at the top of it.

It is important that you pick an account name and an image that conveys that you are a content creator – that there will be more useful posts like the one they just saw.

If you want to build a “personal brand” then you have to tolerate a bit of the growth hit that comes with having a human name on your account (as opposed to a content-descriptive name), but you can mitigate this somewhat by setting up a professional looking profile picture – the picture should look like it was taken professionally so it’s clear you’re not a random guy.

2. Bio
Instagram is a visual platform so your bio doesn’t matter too much.
Just put up anything relevant about the content you’re producing and you’ll be fine.
Put up a link to any products you happen to be selling.
3. Hashtags
This is important so pay attention.
You want to use all 30 hashtags on each post. Since we want to grow passively – just use the same 30 on every post.
Read this piece on which hashtags to use – the right hashtags will make your account grow much faster, especially when you are small.
Here is the quick summary:
- 5 hashtags in the 250k to 500k public post range
- 10 hashtags in the 150k to 250k public post range
- 10 hashtags in the 50k to 150k public post range
- 4 hashtags below 50k public posts
- 1 brand hashtag
4. Post Text
For the post text, go with this format:
{{The entire text of the tweet}}
#All_Your_Hashtags #hashtag2 … #hashtag30
Follow me @yourhandle for more content about (Your_topics). Check out my ebook (Product_name) (link in bio) -> @yourhandle

5. Post a story every day
You want to post one story each day to maximize account growth.
Far more of your followers will see your story than your posts.
Posting a story every day not only boosts the algorithm, but also keeps you “relevant” as most of your followers see your post every day.
6. Post every day
Momentum is king. You want to post every day, not once every few days.
When you post every day, you have momentum – the algorithm boosts you and your follow count starts racking up.
When you don’t post consistently, people start to forget about you.
We recommend posting at least 3 times a day, preferably 4.
7. Post as a video so it’s both on your post page and your reels page
If you post as a reel, the video ends up only on the reels page and doesn’t get nearly as many views is it would if it was posted as a video – because when you post as a video, it appears on both the posts and the reels page of your profile.
8. Posting times
People like to over complicate this but since we’re interested in passive growth, we only have one rule to follow: spread your posts out across the day.
If you want to post 4 times a day, post every 5-6 hours. Do not post all the 4 videos at once.
Social media algorithms are set to not show lots of posts by the same author multiple times (in order to not annoy users). When you post multiple posts at the same time, chances are that your users will see only one of them.
Then over a span of a few hours, all the posts become “stale”.
The best solution is to post every few hours and not all at once.
9. Use viral music
Use viral music in your videos. People on Instagram are not the same as people on Twitter. They are used to the stimulation that music provides – and if your video doesn’t have any, then it sounds “bland”.
Add music to your videos – it’s super simple to do so with the IG app.
10. Occasionally reply and post a meme
This is optional because it’s not pure passive, but you’ll see even better results if you log in every once in a while (say every sunday) and reply to few comments here and there. Post a meme (they tend to go viral) and this way Instagram’s algo will promote you even more.
That’s it folks! This is how you grow on Instagram passively! Next time you log in, you’ll see extra followers and get a few extra sales from there every day!
Easy as pie.