Hashtags are an underestimated but very useful too for smaller Instagram accounts to grow.
If you’re a sub-10,000 follow count account, hashtags can boost your growth. If you’re a sub-1,000 follow count account, hashtags will be your source of initial growth.
In other words, they are important to pick correctly for small accounts.
As you’re a Repurpose Pie user, your goal is to grow on Instagram passively. You don’t want to spend 10 minutes looking for hashtags for each post as that’s no longer passive.
You need to find a set of hashtags that you can use for every single post.
Here is the set of guidelines you should to follow to get your small account up and growing passively with hashtags:
How to get your small account up and growing passively with hashtags
1. Use 30 hashtags with each post
Instagram lets you use 30 hashtags per post and doesn’t penalize you for using all of them. This is unlike YouTube which ignores hashtags if a video description contains more than 15 of them.
In this case, it makes sense to use all 30 hashtags.
2. Don’t use viral hashtags
Some new users think it’s a good idea to use viral hashtags that have millions of posts. Of course, this makes no sense as if you have a small account (10k followers or less), your chance of ranking for a viral hashtag is zero.

Your sub-10k account is not going to rank for these huge hashtags. Using them is a waste of your tags. You need to stick to stuff you can rank for.
3. Cover your entire niche
Since we want passive growth, we want to use the same set of hashtags on every post. We don’t want to look for “the best hashtags” for each post.
The best strategy for us is to use the most appropriate hashtags that cover the entire spectrum of topics we talk about.
For example, if you normally talk about mindset and money with your account, find 30 hashtags that suit that niche. If you’re talking about pickup and sex, find 30 hashtags for those topics and use them on all posts.
Don’t overthink it. Copy-pasting hashtags works – just keep them somewhat relevant to your content (you don’t want to use #makeup if you never talk about makeup).
4. Use this hashtag split
You want to use this hashtag split:
- 5 hashtags in the 250k to 500k public post range
- 10 hashtags in the 150k to 250k public post range
- 10 hashtags in the 50k to 150k public post range
- 4 hashtags below 50k public posts
- 1 brand hashtag
You are more likely to rank for the ones with the fewer posts, but if you go viral (which you will every once in a while), the bigger hashtags help get some eyes in. Any hashtag about 500k public post range is next to impossible to rank for as a small account, so there’s no point using them.
The brand hashtag is just #yourbrandname and it just helps build it up over the long run. Your most hardcore fans will also start using it which will give your account more credibility over the long run.
Hand Picked Hashtags by Niche
(feel free to copy paste)
Niche | < 50k posts | 50k to 150k posts | 150k to 250k Posts | 250k to 500k Posts |
Mindset | #mindsetisthekey #mindsetmatter #militarymindset #gritandgrind #improveyourmindset #mymindset #mindsetmilionario | #mindsetofchampion #winnersmindset #winnermindset #mindsetiseverything💯 #mindsetsukses #mindsetdecrescimento #mindsetpositif #mindsetmafia #mindsetforgreatness #mindsetpositivo #mindsetempreendedor #mindsettraining #mindsetcoachforwomen | #mindsetmattersmost #mindsetquote #inspirationmindset #mindsetgrowth #mindsetcoachingforwomen #mindsetgoals #mindsetforsuccess #mindsetmattersmost #mindsetwork #mindsetshifts | #strongmindset #inspirationmindset #mindsetgrowth #mindsetofexcellence |
Nutrition | #nutritionalcoaching #carbsoncarbsoncarbs #netcarbs #carbsfordays #carbsoncarbsoncarbs #carbsforlife #carbsmakeyoufat #highcarbs #carbsarefriends #carbslover #carbsarethedevil #carbsdontmakeyoufat #nocarbsdiet #proteinmeals #proteinwaffle #proteinboost #proteinrezepte | #nutritionblog #nutritionsportive #nutritionalfacts #nutritionzone #nutritionalmedicine #nutritionaltherapist #nutritionaltips #nutritionalsupplements #carbscarbscarbs #carbsoncarbs #carbsaregood #carbsarenottheenemy #complexcarbs #zerocarbs #proteinmeal #proteinsources #proteindiet #proteinbowl #proteinporridge #proteinbase #proteinpancake #proteindessert #proteins💪 #proteincoffee #proteinworld #proteinwaffles #proteinicecream | #healthycarbs #goodcarbs #carbsafterdark #proteinbreakfast #proteinrecipes #proteinoats #proteinrich #proteinsnack #proteinsnacks #healthyfat | #nutritioniskey #carb #carbsarelife #proteinpacked #proteinsmoothie #proteinballs #proteinshakes #proteinbars #proteínas |
Fitness | #squatworkout #squatssquatssquats #chestdayeveryday #chestdays #chestdayisthebestday #chestdayworkouts #chestday💪 #legdaymeme #legdayisthebestday #legdaydone #legdaygains #legdaybaby #exercisetip #exercisebands #exercisechallenge #exerciseoutside #exercisespecialist | #squatting #squatrack #squatsnatch #squatheavy #squatjumps #squatsquad #liftingmemes #liftingcolombien #chestdaybestday #legdayproblems #legdayworkouts #exercisevideos #exercisebenefits #exercisephysiologist #exercisetherapy #exerciseplan #exerciseball #exerciseguide #exerciseeveryday #exerciseformentalhealth #exercisebike #exerciseprogram #exerciseclass | #squatgoals #squatgirl #liftinglife #chestdayworkout #legday🍑 #legdaymotivation #legdays #exerciseideas #exerciseforlife #exerciseoftheday #exercisevideo #pelvicfloorexercises #mobilityexercises #gymdiet #gymchick #gymflo #gymleggings #gymjunky | #fitnessgym #squatting #liftingmotivation #liftingheavy #legdayeveryday #exercisetips #exercisescience #exercisephysiology #exercisedaily #exerciseathome #exercisetime #coreexercises #homeexercises #stretchingexercises #gymnasticsshoutouts #gymnasticbodies #gymadvice #gymspiration #gymmode #squatsfordays |
Fat Loss and Muscle Gain | #fatlossforwomen #fatlossguide #fatlossinspiration #fatlossdiets #fatlossforever #fatlossblitz #fatlossrecipes #fatlossexercises #fatlossrace #fatlossworkouts #fatlosstipsforfemale #fatlossblitzers #fatlosssupport #fatlosstraining #fatlossnutrition #fatlossvegan #fatlossexpert #fatlossprescription #fatlossfoodies #fatlosshacks #fatlossgym #fatlossdietplan #fatlossblog #fatlosssecrets #fatlossformen #fatlosslifestyle #dropfat #losefatnotcurves #bodytypes | #fatlossprogress #fatlossworkout #fatlossfoods #fatlosstip #fatlossadvice #fatlosschallenge #fatlossmeals #fatlossnotweightloss #fatlosscoaching #losefats #musclegaintips #musclegainz #gainmuscles #jackedandtan #bodytransformationchallenge #bodytraining #bodytoning #bodytrasformation #bodytransform #bodytransformationjourney #bodytransformationcoach | #fatlossprogram #fatlossdiet #fatlossfood #fatlossplan #losingfat #fatburningworkout #losefatgainmuscle #losefatfast #bodytalk | #fatlossmotivation #fatlosstransformation #fatlossgoals #fatlosstransformation #fatfree #fatforfuel #fatpositive #musclegains #bodytransformations |
This is just an illustrative list – but now you know what to do and how to pick hashtags for your niche. Find them and use them on all your posts. If you need help, reach out to us and we’ll be on it!